Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sophia's almost turning 2 years old. And I was spending a quick morning with her yesterday. I opened up a bag of junkfood for her to eat that way she won't run around too much. We sat on the couch and I told her to sit next to me. Once the bag was open, Sophia stood up and sat on my lap. And that really touched me. It's her way of being close to me and I love her for that. While we were eating I was telling her some stories. And she would react as if she understood what I was saying. That's what I LOVE ABOUT THAT KID, I can tell her anything and she'll talk to me back even if I don't understand a word she said. Lol.

I hope when she does get older I can get to have moments like that with her and haha be like sisters telling eachother secrets.

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